You Again

Praying mantis perched on escallonia bushI think this is the same little guy I discovered on one of my tomato plants earlier this month – he has unusual markings. Today I noticed him when he lunged at a skipper butterfly that was feeding on an escallonia blossom. He didn’t catch it, and I was glad I didn’t have to witness a skipper death. I wouldn’t mind so much if he’d catch a cabbage butterfly though – I’m tired of dealing with their voracious offspring. =)


Wounded Warrior

Praying mantis showing visible signs of wasp attackYesterday as I was pulling some weeds in the garden, a wasp flew into the dill and attacked this little mantis. I intervened and collected the mantis from where it had fallen. It didn’t seem to be moving around normally after that, so I took it inside for the night. Today the mantis is looking quite battered and one of its arms isn’t working. I gave it a fly, which it appears to be interested in catching, but hasn’t managed to do so yet. So, apparently I’m running a praying mantis rehab center now.
