We Like the Moon!

Black and white image of full moonI was feeling all out of sorts because I totally missed the “supermoon” this time around. I’m usually on top of these things, but I spaced it. “Spaced” it. 😉 Anyway, I woke up ridiculously early this morning and was outside searching for lost keys when I happened to look up and saw this big ol’ full moon over my head, craters and all. Thanks for hanging around, Moon.


Moody Moon

The moon shot through tree branchesI took this photo last night while laying on my bed balancing a camera on my face. How lazy is that? I was shooting through a closed window that hasn’t been cleaned all winter, mulberry trees that now have leaves, and shifty clouds, so it’s not the most pristine photo of the moon. It’s not even the best shot of the night, technically; however, I keep looking at it. I like it better than the “better” shots from last night. I like the spooky effect of the leaves and clouds partially obscuring the moon. I also like how that cluster of leaves to the left of the moon is making a star shape.
